Monday, September 30, 2013
The Health Insurance Marketplace Is Open!
The new Health Insurance Marketplace helps uninsured people find health coverage.
The new Health Insurance Marketplace helps uninsured people find health coverage.
GOP’s fatal leadership failure: The real story behind the shutdown
GOP’s fatal leadership failure: The real story behind the shutdown
"But still, a shutdown might happen. If it does, it will represent an admission by House Speaker John Boehner that the right wing of the Republican party is too unruly for a person of his temperament to lead, and too powerful for a person of his character to ignore. He will be giving them the shutdown they demand, either to call their bluff, or to guard against being ousted from his Speakership, or maybe a bit of both."
"But still, a shutdown might happen. If it does, it will represent an admission by House Speaker John Boehner that the right wing of the Republican party is too unruly for a person of his temperament to lead, and too powerful for a person of his character to ignore. He will be giving them the shutdown they demand, either to call their bluff, or to guard against being ousted from his Speakership, or maybe a bit of both."
Thank the GOP for the Shutdown and Holding the Economy Hostage | Common Dreams
Thank the GOP for the Shutdown and Holding the Economy Hostage | Common Dreams
"So we know the sequester will give us deteriorating government services, higher unemployment, and slower economic growth. That's the track record which prompts the Wall Street Journal's boasts – and the GOP's misguided actions – in favor of even more austerity."
"So we know the sequester will give us deteriorating government services, higher unemployment, and slower economic growth. That's the track record which prompts the Wall Street Journal's boasts – and the GOP's misguided actions – in favor of even more austerity."
Rand Paul Gets Schooled By Bob Schieffer On Defunding Obamacare
Rand Paul Gets Schooled By Bob Schieffer On Defunding Obamacare
"Once again for the tea party: There is nothing to negotiate on Obamacare. The House and the Senate already did go through a conference committee and the ACA was the final result. The country went through this for years already. And even when the Republican presidential challenger said it would be the first thing on his agenda to repeal Obamacare, they actually voted for Obama again. The tea party position failed to sway the country. Get a clue, guys."
"Once again for the tea party: There is nothing to negotiate on Obamacare. The House and the Senate already did go through a conference committee and the ACA was the final result. The country went through this for years already. And even when the Republican presidential challenger said it would be the first thing on his agenda to repeal Obamacare, they actually voted for Obama again. The tea party position failed to sway the country. Get a clue, guys."
Republicans Lose Business Allies As They Push U.S. Toward Shutdown
Republicans Lose Business Allies As They Push U.S. Toward Shutdown: Typical GOP allies such as the Chamber of Commerce and major executives are warning against the party's push toward a shutdown.
21 Things Republicans Have Demanded In Exchange For Not Shutting Down The Government Or Tanking The Global Economy
21 Things Republicans Have Demanded In Exchange For Not Shutting Down The Government Or Tanking The Global Economy:
"Since the Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, they have repeatedly attempted to use the prospect of a government shutdown or a debt default as leverage. A shutdown would furlough close to a million federal workers and cut off essential services for millions more Americans, while a default on U.S. debt, even according to Speaker John Boehner, could devastate the global economy. While the recent debate has focused on Obamacare, that is just the latest in a series of demands made by Republicans. The following is a list of things that have been, at various times, demanded by Republicans under threat of a government shutdown or default"
"Since the Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, they have repeatedly attempted to use the prospect of a government shutdown or a debt default as leverage. A shutdown would furlough close to a million federal workers and cut off essential services for millions more Americans, while a default on U.S. debt, even according to Speaker John Boehner, could devastate the global economy. While the recent debate has focused on Obamacare, that is just the latest in a series of demands made by Republicans. The following is a list of things that have been, at various times, demanded by Republicans under threat of a government shutdown or default"
PERRspectives: Better Dead and Red: How the GOP Blocked Health Care for Red State Americans
PERRspectives: Better Dead and Red: How the GOP Blocked Health Care for Red State Americans
"Study after study has long shown that health care is worst in precisely those states where Republicans poll best. But in their zeal to discredit a president they loathe, GOP leaders across the nation passed up an historic opportunity to bring health insurance, greater financial security and higher standards of living to millions of their own constituents. When they didn't outright deny coverage to red state residents, Republicans did their damnedest to prevent their voters from even learning about their options under the ACA. And what "information" about Obamacare the GOP's best and brightest regurgitated simply wasn't true."
"Study after study has long shown that health care is worst in precisely those states where Republicans poll best. But in their zeal to discredit a president they loathe, GOP leaders across the nation passed up an historic opportunity to bring health insurance, greater financial security and higher standards of living to millions of their own constituents. When they didn't outright deny coverage to red state residents, Republicans did their damnedest to prevent their voters from even learning about their options under the ACA. And what "information" about Obamacare the GOP's best and brightest regurgitated simply wasn't true."
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Dear Congress – Stop This Manufactured Crisis | Common Dreams
Dear Congress – Stop This Manufactured Crisis | Common Dreams
"Forty-one organizations, representing millions of Americans, have signed this letter to Congress, asking them to stand against those who would “hold our economy hostage in order to dictate the terms of the debate"."
"Forty-one organizations, representing millions of Americans, have signed this letter to Congress, asking them to stand against those who would “hold our economy hostage in order to dictate the terms of the debate"."
College Student Attacks Ted Cruz For Lying About Him In Faux Filibuster Obamacare Speech
College Student Attacks Ted Cruz For Lying About Him In Faux Filibuster Obamacare Speech
"Ted Cruz gets caught lying about a young person's story in order to attack Obamacare and the student he cited is not happy about it."
"Ted Cruz gets caught lying about a young person's story in order to attack Obamacare and the student he cited is not happy about it."
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Idiots Rule as House Republicans Vote to Shut Down the Government Over Obamacare
"Whether House Republicans want to admit it or not, there is a sizable contingent among their ranks who have been chasing after this moment since the day that they arrived in Washington. The idiot ideologues completed their takeover of the House Republicans tonight. They are firmly in charge now. John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and the rest of the House leadership were nowhere to be found as their party went down in flames.
It was as if the Republican leadership thought that if they stay away, they will avoid the blame for this entire situation. Out of sight, out of mind won’t work on this one. Boehner’s caving to the extremists is what caused this series of events to play out the way that they have."
"Whether House Republicans want to admit it or not, there is a sizable contingent among their ranks who have been chasing after this moment since the day that they arrived in Washington. The idiot ideologues completed their takeover of the House Republicans tonight. They are firmly in charge now. John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and the rest of the House leadership were nowhere to be found as their party went down in flames.
It was as if the Republican leadership thought that if they stay away, they will avoid the blame for this entire situation. Out of sight, out of mind won’t work on this one. Boehner’s caving to the extremists is what caused this series of events to play out the way that they have."
Dean Of Congressional Press Corps Finds Root Of Government Shutdown In Paul Ryan Budget
"David Rogers, the unofficial dean of the congressional press corps, has been reporting on Capitol Hill since Charlie Wilson was figuring out ways to fund the mujahedeen in Afghanistan (and, in fact, he broke that story). When it comes to budget issues, nobody is more respected on Capitol Hill.
And the root of the impending government shutdown, he is reporting, goes back to the House Republican budget, authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), that promised unrealistic cuts that finally have collided with reality"
"David Rogers, the unofficial dean of the congressional press corps, has been reporting on Capitol Hill since Charlie Wilson was figuring out ways to fund the mujahedeen in Afghanistan (and, in fact, he broke that story). When it comes to budget issues, nobody is more respected on Capitol Hill.
And the root of the impending government shutdown, he is reporting, goes back to the House Republican budget, authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), that promised unrealistic cuts that finally have collided with reality"
VIDEO: Conservative Conference Cheers At Suggestion That Obama Is Going To Hell
VIDEO: Conservative Conference Cheers At Suggestion That Obama Is Going To Hell:
"Inopportune audience interjections at conservative events aren’t limited to CPAC. GOP debate crowds yelled out during a 2012 election debate to let uninsured people in the emergency room die rather than cover their expenses. They also cheered when it was announced that Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) has overseen 234 executions during his time in office. What Republican audiences have found fit to boo, however, was a gay soldier who wanted to know why he shouldn’t be allowed to serve his country and love his partner."
"Inopportune audience interjections at conservative events aren’t limited to CPAC. GOP debate crowds yelled out during a 2012 election debate to let uninsured people in the emergency room die rather than cover their expenses. They also cheered when it was announced that Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) has overseen 234 executions during his time in office. What Republican audiences have found fit to boo, however, was a gay soldier who wanted to know why he shouldn’t be allowed to serve his country and love his partner."
PERRspectives: 10 Things John Boehner Doesn't Want You to Know about the Debt
PERRspectives: 10 Things John Boehner Doesn't Want You to Know about the Debt
"So it's come down to this. Once again kowtowing to the most extreme members of his Republican Party, House Speaker John Boehner is willing to shut down the federal government and trigger a global economic meltdown, all in the GOP's quixotic quest to defund, delay or otherwise damage Obamacare."
"So it's come down to this. Once again kowtowing to the most extreme members of his Republican Party, House Speaker John Boehner is willing to shut down the federal government and trigger a global economic meltdown, all in the GOP's quixotic quest to defund, delay or otherwise damage Obamacare."
The Complete Guide To The GOP’s Three-Year Campaign To Shut Down The Government
The Complete Guide To The GOP’s Three-Year Campaign To Shut Down The Government: Though the deficit has fallen to the lowest level since 2008, Republicans continue to hold the government hostage to more cuts.
Scott Walker’s Fiscal Irresponsibility Will Now Cost Wisconsin Billions As Bridges Start Failing (VIDEO)
"This is yet again evidence of how putting off maintenance costs more than any money saved, as the economic impact ripples outward. The governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, delayed critical maintenance of the bridge, even ignoring when cracks were discovered in 2012, and used money for bridge maintenance to instead pay back mutual funds and bankers."
"This is yet again evidence of how putting off maintenance costs more than any money saved, as the economic impact ripples outward. The governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, delayed critical maintenance of the bridge, even ignoring when cracks were discovered in 2012, and used money for bridge maintenance to instead pay back mutual funds and bankers."
Friday, September 27, 2013
House GOP Debt-Ceiling Plan: Paul Ryan’s Losing Ideas From 2012 | Common Dreams
House GOP Debt-Ceiling Plan: Paul Ryan’s Losing Ideas From 2012 | Common Dreams
"Now, they seek to use those positions to make debt-ceiling threats, with the purpose of implementing an agenda that was rejected by the American people. Which brings us to the final question: What was the point of the 2012 election if the will of the people can be thwarted by the politicians whose “big ideas” failed at the polls?"
"Now, they seek to use those positions to make debt-ceiling threats, with the purpose of implementing an agenda that was rejected by the American people. Which brings us to the final question: What was the point of the 2012 election if the will of the people can be thwarted by the politicians whose “big ideas” failed at the polls?"
Republican Debt-Ceiling Demand: Nullify Democracy | Common Dreams
Republican Debt-Ceiling Demand: Nullify Democracy | Common Dreams
"So with the shutdown fight underway, Republicans are planning out what they will demand in exchange for not destroying the country by defaulting on the debt. It looks like they are going to demand a wish list of plutocratic crap."
"So with the shutdown fight underway, Republicans are planning out what they will demand in exchange for not destroying the country by defaulting on the debt. It looks like they are going to demand a wish list of plutocratic crap."
Ted Cruz Is a Big Phony and A Giant Narcissist | Alternet
Ted Cruz Is a Big Phony and A Giant Narcissist | Alternet
"Ted Cruz, the Tea Party darling, fake-filibustered his way into headlines recently with a 21-hour anti-Obamacare verbal rampage that simultaneously made his party look stupid and accomplished nothing. It did, however, spread images of his smarmy mug across televisions and newspapers around the country, which is the outcome Cruz most ardently hoped for.
"Ted Cruz, the Tea Party darling, fake-filibustered his way into headlines recently with a 21-hour anti-Obamacare verbal rampage that simultaneously made his party look stupid and accomplished nothing. It did, however, spread images of his smarmy mug across televisions and newspapers around the country, which is the outcome Cruz most ardently hoped for.
Cruz wants to come across as a populist who is fighting for regular Americans. But there’s only one thing this guy is interested in: Ted Cruz."
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Tea Party Supporter Has Set A Date For The Armed Overthrow Of The Government
"Other Tea Party supporters have put out the call for armed assaults several times before. They do this whenever a decision does not match their narrow world view. The call is getting louder as time goes on.
And it’s only a matter of time before they snap, and then try and force their flawed and broken view of the world upon us all."
"Other Tea Party supporters have put out the call for armed assaults several times before. They do this whenever a decision does not match their narrow world view. The call is getting louder as time goes on.
And it’s only a matter of time before they snap, and then try and force their flawed and broken view of the world upon us all."
Conservative radio host jokes Hillary Clinton should be shot
Conservative radio host jokes Hillary Clinton should be shot
"The host, who goes by the name “Georgia,” has a history of inflammatory remarks. According to Brad Kava at Santa Cruz Patch, Georgia’s show “comes from a Tea Party perspective and has all the wit and intelligence of a Ku Klux Klan meeting.” As an example, Kava writes that Georgia has previously argued that American slavery wasn’t as bad as is commonly believed."
"The host, who goes by the name “Georgia,” has a history of inflammatory remarks. According to Brad Kava at Santa Cruz Patch, Georgia’s show “comes from a Tea Party perspective and has all the wit and intelligence of a Ku Klux Klan meeting.” As an example, Kava writes that Georgia has previously argued that American slavery wasn’t as bad as is commonly believed."
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Final Word On Obamacare Coverage: Cheaper Than Expected
"On average, people will have a choice of 56 different insurance plans -- depending on which state you live in, though, that figure could range from seven (in Alabama) to 106 (in Arizona). The average number of insurers in a state is eight, though that again ranges from one to 13 in different states.
As for premiums, before tax credits kick in, they will average 16 percent below the Congressional Budget Office's original estimates for a silver-level plan (which covers 70 percent of costs). The number of insurers in a state is directly tied to how low premiums will be, Lambrew noted. Arizona, with an average of 106 plans to choose from, had the second-lowest average premiums for a 27-year-old adult: $166 a month. Wyoming, with an average of 16 plans, had the highest average premium at $342 a month.
But then the tax credits take effect. Those knock the premium for that 27-year-old, projected to earn $25,000, down to $145 in most states. For a family of four making $50,000, the credits take the premium price down from more than $1,000 in some states to $282.
The numbers before and after tax credits drop even further for bronze-level plans (which cover 60 percent of costs), often below $100 on average when tax credits are accounted for."
"On average, people will have a choice of 56 different insurance plans -- depending on which state you live in, though, that figure could range from seven (in Alabama) to 106 (in Arizona). The average number of insurers in a state is eight, though that again ranges from one to 13 in different states.
As for premiums, before tax credits kick in, they will average 16 percent below the Congressional Budget Office's original estimates for a silver-level plan (which covers 70 percent of costs). The number of insurers in a state is directly tied to how low premiums will be, Lambrew noted. Arizona, with an average of 106 plans to choose from, had the second-lowest average premiums for a 27-year-old adult: $166 a month. Wyoming, with an average of 16 plans, had the highest average premium at $342 a month.
But then the tax credits take effect. Those knock the premium for that 27-year-old, projected to earn $25,000, down to $145 in most states. For a family of four making $50,000, the credits take the premium price down from more than $1,000 in some states to $282.
The numbers before and after tax credits drop even further for bronze-level plans (which cover 60 percent of costs), often below $100 on average when tax credits are accounted for."
How House Republicans Are Preaching A False Gospel About Food Stamps
How House Republicans Are Preaching A False Gospel About Food Stamps: Conservative religious arguments against food stamps run afoul of faith leaders, scripture, and facts.
John McCain Defends Obamacare, Slams Ted Cruz For Comparing Implementation To Nazi Appeasement
John McCain Defends Obamacare, Slams Ted Cruz For Comparing Implementation To Nazi Appeasement: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) gave a forceful response to Texas Republican Ted Cruz's lengthy diatribe against the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday.
Top Nevada GOPer Brags 2014 Will Be ‘A Great Year For Republicans’ Because Minorities Won’t Vote
Top Nevada GOPer Brags 2014 Will Be ‘A Great Year For Republicans’ Because Minorities Won’t Vote: "Meanwhile, the five Republicans on the Supreme Court gave an assist to many of these voter suppression efforts when they struck down a key prong of the Voting Rights Act last summer. Although that decision will not impact Nevada, which was not covered by the Voting Rights Act’s “preclearance” requirement, Republicans in other states announced plans to move forward with voter suppression laws within hours of the Supreme Court’s decision."
Arizona Republicans File Lawsuit To Make Congressional Gerrymandering Even Worse
Arizona Republicans File Lawsuit To Make Congressional Gerrymandering Even Worse: Democratic House candidates won more nearly 1.4 million more votes than Republicans last November, yet Republicans control the House. Arizona Republicans have a plan to make the House even less democratic.
DC Republicans in Full Panic Mode: Obamacare Will Be Hugely Popular and There's Little the GOP Can Do to Stop It | Alternet
DC Republicans in Full Panic Mode: Obamacare Will Be Hugely Popular and There's Little the GOP Can Do to Stop It | Alternet
"Thus, their posturing, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s latest bill for complete defunding and his Tuesday filibuster, needs to be seen as the old cliché it is: a desperate measure for their desperate time.
"Thus, their posturing, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s latest bill for complete defunding and his Tuesday filibuster, needs to be seen as the old cliché it is: a desperate measure for their desperate time.
What’s scaring Republicans is that the president’s most significant domestic initiative is about to hit prime time. Starting October 1, it is poised to start delivering on its central promise, which is giving millions of Americans more and cheaper choices to buy health insurance."
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Why Ted Cruz’s Anti-Obamacare Grandstanding Doesn’t Matter At All
Why Ted Cruz’s Anti-Obamacare Grandstanding Doesn’t Matter At All: It's not going to do anything to undermine Obamacare -- and it's distracting you from the GOP-led policies that actually are.
GOP rebranding effort is officially dead
GOP rebranding effort is officially dead
"Republicans will go to the electorate in 2014 and perhaps again in 2016, without anything new or different or improved to offer an increasingly liberal electorate."
"Republicans will go to the electorate in 2014 and perhaps again in 2016, without anything new or different or improved to offer an increasingly liberal electorate."
It's the Austerity, Stupid: How We Were Sold an Economy-Killing Lie
"Austerity is working out fine for the 1 percent: Their jobs are safe, their investments are growing, and their taxes are low. But the rest of us are paying a high price in the form of slow growth, high unemployment, and stagnant wages for years to come. All things considered, we've been remarkably tolerant of our fate. The folks who run the world might do well to ponder how long that's going to last."
"Austerity is working out fine for the 1 percent: Their jobs are safe, their investments are growing, and their taxes are low. But the rest of us are paying a high price in the form of slow growth, high unemployment, and stagnant wages for years to come. All things considered, we've been remarkably tolerant of our fate. The folks who run the world might do well to ponder how long that's going to last."
Afghanistan War Veteran Slams Republicans For Cutting Food Stamps In Epic Letter
"The current crop of conservatives in Congress care nothing for anyone but themselves. They are selfish individuals who want to see America and the federal government burn to the ground."
"The current crop of conservatives in Congress care nothing for anyone but themselves. They are selfish individuals who want to see America and the federal government burn to the ground."
20 White Males from the Power Elite Who Belong in the American Hall of Shame | Alternet
20 White Males from the Power Elite Who Belong in the American Hall of Shame | Alternet
"Out of 300 million Americans, a few thousand wield disproportionate economic and political influence because of their positions at the pinnacle of America's corporate and media establishments or their roles as political allies (or puppets) of the corporate ruling class."
"Out of 300 million Americans, a few thousand wield disproportionate economic and political influence because of their positions at the pinnacle of America's corporate and media establishments or their roles as political allies (or puppets) of the corporate ruling class."
Monday, September 23, 2013
Washington Healthplanfinder
For Washington residents who currently do not have affordable, quality health insurance the first place to look for insurance is at the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, also called the Washington Healthplanfinder. While the exchange officially opens for business on October 1, you can search their website today at or you can call for information or to ask questions at 1-855-WAFINDER (1-855-923-4633) or TTY/TDD 1-855-627-9604.
Some additional online resources include:
· The federal government has its own marketplace website called the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace at
· Medicaid eligibility has been expanded so you might want to look at Medicaid Coverage at
· If you need insurance for children DSHS provides through Apple Health for Kids at
For Washington residents who currently do not have affordable, quality health insurance the first place to look for insurance is at the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, also called the Washington Healthplanfinder. While the exchange officially opens for business on October 1, you can search their website today at or you can call for information or to ask questions at 1-855-WAFINDER (1-855-923-4633) or TTY/TDD 1-855-627-9604.
Some additional online resources include:
· The federal government has its own marketplace website called the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace at
· Medicaid eligibility has been expanded so you might want to look at Medicaid Coverage at
· If you need insurance for children DSHS provides through Apple Health for Kids at
Latest Budget Crisis Is Another Product of Conservative Media Hucksterism
"Hawking shady products - gold coins sold at a 30-percent markup, "survival seeds," and financial newsletters only designed to enrich their authors -- has long been the core strategy of funding the conservative media enterprise.
"Hawking shady products - gold coins sold at a 30-percent markup, "survival seeds," and financial newsletters only designed to enrich their authors -- has long been the core strategy of funding the conservative media enterprise.
But the deleterious effect of the latest conservative media scam threatens to be far greater than a tube of seeds that will yield no fruit.
The conservative media, along with Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT), have conned their base into believing that shutting down the government -- unless Barack Obama agrees to stop the implementation of Obamacare -- is a strategically and politically salient idea for the GOP and the conservative movement. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) earlier this summer dubbed it "the dumbest idea I've ever heard"."
Add It Up: The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business | Common Dreams
Add It Up: The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business | Common Dreams
"Overall, American families are paying an annual $6,000 subsidy to corporations that havedoubled their profits and cut their taxes in half in ten years while cutting 2.9 million jobs in the U.S. and adding almost as many jobs overseas.
This is more than an insult. It's a devastating attack on the livelihoods of tens of millions of American families. And Congress just lets it happen."
"Overall, American families are paying an annual $6,000 subsidy to corporations that havedoubled their profits and cut their taxes in half in ten years while cutting 2.9 million jobs in the U.S. and adding almost as many jobs overseas.
This is more than an insult. It's a devastating attack on the livelihoods of tens of millions of American families. And Congress just lets it happen."
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Wingnuts Cheer Impending Government Shutdown While Obama Cleans Their Clocks
Wingnuts Cheer Impending Government Shutdown While Obama Cleans Their Clocks
"Republicans don't seem to understand that Obamacare under any other name is called affordable access to health care for millions who don't have it right now. That name is one that polls well, which terrifies Republicans, because they understand that once it's in effect, people will actually like it."
"Republicans don't seem to understand that Obamacare under any other name is called affordable access to health care for millions who don't have it right now. That name is one that polls well, which terrifies Republicans, because they understand that once it's in effect, people will actually like it."
Rep. Huelskamp, Whose Family Takes Government Farm Subsidies, Mocks Food Stamp Recipients | Right Wing Watch
Rep. Huelskamp, Whose Family Takes Government Farm Subsidies, Mocks Food Stamp Recipients | Right Wing Watch
"Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), who bravely opposed federal aid to all those greedy Northeasterners affected by Hurricane Sandy, is now boasting about his support for a House GOP plan to kick four to six million people off the food stamp program."
"Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), who bravely opposed federal aid to all those greedy Northeasterners affected by Hurricane Sandy, is now boasting about his support for a House GOP plan to kick four to six million people off the food stamp program."
House GOP Didn't Get Pope’s Memo On Poor Before Slashing Food Stamps | Alternet
House GOP Didn't Get Pope’s Memo On Poor Before Slashing Food Stamps | Alternet
"There’s nothing new about the House GOP’s war on America’s poor. They want people to go hungry. They want to deny people healthcare. Those were the bottom lines in votes on Thursday and Friday."
"There’s nothing new about the House GOP’s war on America’s poor. They want people to go hungry. They want to deny people healthcare. Those were the bottom lines in votes on Thursday and Friday."
Friday, September 20, 2013
Ted Cruz’s origins continue to haunt him
Ted Cruz’s origins continue to haunt him
"Believe it or not, it looks like Sen. Ted Cruz is still a Canadian citizen. Although it has now been over a month since he promised to renounce his Canadian citizenship – which he obtained by virtue of his birth in Calgary, Alberta – there has been no indication (whether press release, statement or otherwise) announcing that he has followed through on the commitment."
"Believe it or not, it looks like Sen. Ted Cruz is still a Canadian citizen. Although it has now been over a month since he promised to renounce his Canadian citizenship – which he obtained by virtue of his birth in Calgary, Alberta – there has been no indication (whether press release, statement or otherwise) announcing that he has followed through on the commitment."
It's Time For Some Straight Talk About the GOP Budget
It's Time For Some Straight Talk About the GOP Budget
"When it comes to the economy, the White House is talking tough to the Republicans ... about the debt ceiling. It's true that the threat to shut down the government by refusing to honor its debt obligations is downright un-American. The Administration's right to call them out for that. But there's a larger question: Who's going to give the American people some straight talk about the GOP's economic ideas?
"When it comes to the economy, the White House is talking tough to the Republicans ... about the debt ceiling. It's true that the threat to shut down the government by refusing to honor its debt obligations is downright un-American. The Administration's right to call them out for that. But there's a larger question: Who's going to give the American people some straight talk about the GOP's economic ideas?
Forget the debt ceiling for a moment, if you can. Forget the GOP's attempt to shut down the government over the Affordable Care Act. Who is going to explain to the American people how profoundly misguided, and even immoral, the Republicans' entire economic agenda has become?"
The Crazy Party | Common Dreams
The Crazy Party | Common Dreams
"So now we get to witness the hilarious spectacle of Karl Rove in The Wall Street Journal, pleading with Republicans to recognize the reality that Obamacare can’t be defunded. Why hilarious? Because Mr. Rove and his colleagues have spent decades trying to ensure that the Republican base lives in an alternate reality defined by Rush Limbaugh and Fox News."
"So now we get to witness the hilarious spectacle of Karl Rove in The Wall Street Journal, pleading with Republicans to recognize the reality that Obamacare can’t be defunded. Why hilarious? Because Mr. Rove and his colleagues have spent decades trying to ensure that the Republican base lives in an alternate reality defined by Rush Limbaugh and Fox News."
Republicans Block Science Laureate Vote Over Fear of Climate Stance | Alternet
Republicans Block Science Laureate Vote Over Fear of Climate Stance | Alternet
"It seemed entirely harmless: the creation of an honorary and unpaid position of science laureate of the United States to travel around the country and inspire children to be future scientists.
"It seemed entirely harmless: the creation of an honorary and unpaid position of science laureate of the United States to travel around the country and inspire children to be future scientists.
But Republicans in Congress last week quashed the initiative, which had gained rare bipartisan support, on the grounds that a science laureate might support action on climate change."
Low-Income Preschoolers, Cancer Patients Take Hit In GOP Budget Extension
Low-Income Preschoolers, Cancer Patients Take Hit In GOP Budget Extension:
"Republicans have consistently threatened to shut down the government by refusing to pass a continuing resolution unless they got spending cuts, and nearly every time an extension has been passed since 2010 spending has been reduced. In fact, Congress has already enacted about $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction since the beginning of fiscal year 2011, 72 percent of which has come from spending cuts. Inflation-adjusted discretionary spending is now lower than the last two years of the Bush administration. The deficit has also fallen to the lowest level since 2008."
"Republicans have consistently threatened to shut down the government by refusing to pass a continuing resolution unless they got spending cuts, and nearly every time an extension has been passed since 2010 spending has been reduced. In fact, Congress has already enacted about $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction since the beginning of fiscal year 2011, 72 percent of which has come from spending cuts. Inflation-adjusted discretionary spending is now lower than the last two years of the Bush administration. The deficit has also fallen to the lowest level since 2008."
Peter King: Ted Cruz Should Keep Quiet
Peter King: Ted Cruz Should Keep Quiet
" It seems Rep. Peter King isn't too impressed with Sen. Ted Cruz's grandstanding on defunding "Obamacare," or the senator telling the House how they should conduct their business."
" It seems Rep. Peter King isn't too impressed with Sen. Ted Cruz's grandstanding on defunding "Obamacare," or the senator telling the House how they should conduct their business."
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Cruz Missile Hits The GOP
The Cruz Missile Hits The GOP
"Republicans created Dr. Cruzenstein and now they seem shocked that he’s he’s walking around (1) looking like an idiot, and (2) taking all their money."
"Republicans created Dr. Cruzenstein and now they seem shocked that he’s he’s walking around (1) looking like an idiot, and (2) taking all their money."
Report: For Millions, Insurance Will Cost Less Than $100/Month
Report: For Millions, Insurance Will Cost Less Than $100/Month
"About 6.4 million Americans eligible to buy insurance through the new health exchanges will pay $100 or less a month in premiums because of tax subsidies, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report released this week."
"About 6.4 million Americans eligible to buy insurance through the new health exchanges will pay $100 or less a month in premiums because of tax subsidies, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report released this week."
PERRspectives: GOP Blocks Health Insurance for 11 Million in 2014
PERRspectives: GOP Blocks Health Insurance for 11 Million in 2014
"As other studies have warned, the state-by-state numbers are shocking. In Texas, Governor Rick Perry denounced Obamacare Medicaid expansion as a "fool's errand." But his foolishness in opting out means an extra 1.9 million Texans will needlessly go without health insurance in state where 24 percent of all residents--and 30 percent between the ages of 18 and 64--lack coverage. In Florida, where the GOP legislature is rebuffing Republican Governor Rick Scott's choice to accept the windfall from Washington, another million residents will be left uncovered. (In contrast, over 300,000 more Arizonans will gain insurance, thanks to a rare showing of common sense by Governor Jan Brewer.) Next door neighbors Minnesota and Wisconsin provide another useful case study. While Democrat Mark Dayton will be cutting the ranks of the uninsured by almost half in his state, in Madison Republican Scott Walker is leaving an estimated 182,000 folks out in the cold."
"As other studies have warned, the state-by-state numbers are shocking. In Texas, Governor Rick Perry denounced Obamacare Medicaid expansion as a "fool's errand." But his foolishness in opting out means an extra 1.9 million Texans will needlessly go without health insurance in state where 24 percent of all residents--and 30 percent between the ages of 18 and 64--lack coverage. In Florida, where the GOP legislature is rebuffing Republican Governor Rick Scott's choice to accept the windfall from Washington, another million residents will be left uncovered. (In contrast, over 300,000 more Arizonans will gain insurance, thanks to a rare showing of common sense by Governor Jan Brewer.) Next door neighbors Minnesota and Wisconsin provide another useful case study. While Democrat Mark Dayton will be cutting the ranks of the uninsured by almost half in his state, in Madison Republican Scott Walker is leaving an estimated 182,000 folks out in the cold."
Meet Cuccinelli's Top Donor: Corrupt Coal Baron Bob Murray
Meet Cuccinelli's Top Donor: Corrupt Coal Baron Bob Murray
"So that's Cuccinelli's largest individual donor from the last cycle. $30,000 from an extremist billionaire that is funding an Obama impeachment effort, that extorts money from his low wage employees, and fires his workforce wholesale in fits of spite when electoral results disappoint him."
"So that's Cuccinelli's largest individual donor from the last cycle. $30,000 from an extremist billionaire that is funding an Obama impeachment effort, that extorts money from his low wage employees, and fires his workforce wholesale in fits of spite when electoral results disappoint him."
The House’s Un-American Activities | Common Dreams
The House’s Un-American Activities | Common Dreams
"What the Republicans are attempting to do is, therefore, both unconstitutional and a violation of their own sworn promise – an oath sworn on the Bible they claim to revere. Their consciences must decide whether their behavior is un-Godly, but the Constitution they swore to uphold makes it pretty plain that it’s un-American."
"What the Republicans are attempting to do is, therefore, both unconstitutional and a violation of their own sworn promise – an oath sworn on the Bible they claim to revere. Their consciences must decide whether their behavior is un-Godly, but the Constitution they swore to uphold makes it pretty plain that it’s un-American."
Colorado Republicans Unanimously Support Flood Relief, Unanimously Opposed Sandy Aid
Colorado Republicans Unanimously Support Flood Relief, Unanimously Opposed Sandy Aid: Colorado Republican Reps. Mike Coffman, Cory Gardner, Doug Lamborn, and Scott Tipton support disaster relief for their state but voted against emergency aid for Superstorm Sandy victims.
Koch-backed conservatives go pro-cervical cancer
Koch-backed conservatives go pro-cervical cancer
"The right's campaign to convince young people to remain uninsured rather than enroll in Obamacare hits a new low"
"The right's campaign to convince young people to remain uninsured rather than enroll in Obamacare hits a new low"
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Breaking: New List of the Dark Money Shell Game Groups Connected to the Kochs
Breaking: New List of the Dark Money Shell Game Groups Connected to the Kochs
"Some of these groups have been directly connected to the Koch fortune by prior research, such as the Heritage Foundation's arms (which are long-time recipients of Koch money), the Center for Shared Service (which helps recruit right-wingers for jobs in the Koch network and which shares an office building with the Charles Koch Foundation) Themis and Libre (which advance Koch corporate agenda of Ayn Rand-style economic policies), and the Tea Party groups (which the Kochs initially claimed to the New Yorker's Jane Mayer that they had little to do with, despite evidence to the contrary).
Other groups were not yet tied to Koch money, like Generation Opportunity (which is aimed at college graduates struggling to find work in this economy and which attempts to blame progressive policies for the economic crisis that was actually spurred by Koch-style deregulation peddled by David Koch's Citizens for a Sound Economy, which pressed for the repeal of Glass-Steagall protections, the predecessor group of Koch's Americans for Prosperity)."
"Some of these groups have been directly connected to the Koch fortune by prior research, such as the Heritage Foundation's arms (which are long-time recipients of Koch money), the Center for Shared Service (which helps recruit right-wingers for jobs in the Koch network and which shares an office building with the Charles Koch Foundation) Themis and Libre (which advance Koch corporate agenda of Ayn Rand-style economic policies), and the Tea Party groups (which the Kochs initially claimed to the New Yorker's Jane Mayer that they had little to do with, despite evidence to the contrary).
Other groups were not yet tied to Koch money, like Generation Opportunity (which is aimed at college graduates struggling to find work in this economy and which attempts to blame progressive policies for the economic crisis that was actually spurred by Koch-style deregulation peddled by David Koch's Citizens for a Sound Economy, which pressed for the repeal of Glass-Steagall protections, the predecessor group of Koch's Americans for Prosperity)."
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