Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sarah Palin Is The Top Republican Choice For Senate, But Alaskans Still Hate Her
"The really interesting thing about this poll is that it shows just how fringey the base of the Republican Party is — the candidates they love are despised by voters. The far fight loves Palin, but she can’t get elected. If she really loved this country, she’d run for that Senate seat."

Republicans To Spend August Recess Promoting Poverty Creating Policies
"There is a reason Republicans, conservative belief-tanks, and ALEC state legislators are cutting education and condemn critical thinking, because keeping their supporters stupid, suspicious of minorities, and devoted to superstition pays electoral dividends. There are Americans who say the Republican devotees deserve what they get,” but effects of Republican policies are not confined to their supporters. Because although Republican voters make up less than half the population, they have created economic demise for nearly 80% of the people to the point there are few Americans who know anyone who is not suffering."

Groundswell Group Stoked Scandals with Help From GOP Leaders

Groundswell Group Stoked Scandals with Help From GOP Leaders
"When David Corn broke the Groundswell story last week, the general reaction among the politerati was a shrug and a giggle. Even influential NYU journalism professor Jay Rosen called it "no big deal."
But audio of a May Groundswell meeting held in May obtained by C&L reveals Groundswellers met with top Congressional leaders to lobby for a select committee endowed with subpoena power to investigate the White House. Lobbying may be too mild a term, since they really are plotting with those same leaders to invent very real scandals with very real investigations in order to sink the country into a mire of inaction and sabotage the remaining years of President Obama's term."

Fight On The Right: Rand Paul vs Chris Christie

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Governor Accepted Gifts From Individuals Who Later Landed Lucrative State Contracts

Governor Accepted Gifts From Individuals Who Later Landed Lucrative State Contracts: Gov. Tom Corbett (R-PA) campaigned for his office pledging to prohibit gifts to government officials from those seeking state contracts. But his own financial disclosures show he accepted thousands of dollars worth of gifts from friends who could benefit from his position.

GOP: The Pope Has Some Lessons for You…

GOP: The Pope Has Some Lessons for You…
"So if Republicans really want to keep calling themselves Christians, at the very least they should start listening to the Pope, and change their policies to reflect the basic tenants of Christianity and its founder."

Monday, July 29, 2013

REPORT: Nation’s Second Largest Radio Broadcaster Planning To Drop Rush Limbaugh

REPORT: Nation’s Second Largest Radio Broadcaster Planning To Drop Rush Limbaugh"Cumulus, according the POLITICO report, will also drop Sean Hannity. In 2012, nearly 100 advertisers also dropped the Hannity show, which features a similar brand of caustic right-wing talk.
Limbaugh recently acknowledged difficulty selling ads, complaining ad buyers are “are young women fresh out of college, liberal feminists who hate conservatism"."

Boycotters Win As Cumulus Media Plans On Dumping Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity
"The main reason why Cumulus would even think of dumping Limbaugh and Hannity is that the boycott has made their shows much less profitable. Forty eight of the top 50 advertisers on Cumulus asked that their ads not be played on Limbaugh and Hannity’s shows."

Michele Bachmann Is Going Down Fast as House Ethics Committee Announces Investigation
"The FBI is already investigating Bachmann and her presidential campaign for secret payments made to Iowa state Sen. Kent Sorenson in exchange for his help in support in the 2012 Iowa caucuses.
The suspicion has long been that Bachmann’s “retirement” was done in order to head off the federal investigation, the Iowa state investigation, and the House Ethics Committee investigation. Bachmann thought that if she “retired” maybe these legal issues would go away, and allow her to make a political comeback in a couple of years."

Singers, Spectators, Tourists Arrested And Threatened By Capitol Police In Wisconsin (VIDEO)
"capital police have been arresting or threatening to arrest tourists, senior citizens, preachers, teenagers and anyone else who happens to be present when there is singing in the building."

Contrary To Right-Wing Media Claims, Middle Class Is Key To Economic Growth
"Right-wing media figures have attacked President Obama's "middle out" approach to economic growth, claiming that only a trickle-down model that slashes taxes and regulations will drive economic recovery. However, there is growing consensus that economic prosperity begins with the middle class, which provides a stable consumer base and promotes investment and job growth." 

Fox News Continues To Push The Lie That Only Conservatives Were Targeted By The IRS
"documents released by Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)prove that not only were progressive and Occupy groups targeted, but that the IRS intentionally didn’t disclose the targeting of the left to Congress. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) continues to refuses to release the full transcripts of the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee IRS investigation because they prove him wrong."

10 Things North Carolina Republicans Have Done To Embarrass Their Own State
"Republicans have turned North Carolina into a prime example of the destruction that occurs when the GOP has complete power. Over the last seven months, conservatives have made several efforts, some of which have succeeded, to enact extreme right-wing policies that have turned the state into a national embarrassment and one of the worst states in the country to live. Here is a list of the many ways Republicans have harmed North Carolina in 2013."

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Should Detroit Be Labeled A 'Conservative Utopia?'

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Republicans Are Gearing Up To Continue Their Senseless War on America
"The Republican goal is clear; either Washington concedes to divest its power and transfer it to the wealthy and their corporations, or they will, one way or the other, destroy the government."

Immigrants Have Cantaloupe Calves, and 4 Other Unhinged Comments from America’s Lunatic Right-Wing Fringe This Week | Alternet

Immigrants Have Cantaloupe Calves, and 4 Other Unhinged Comments from America’s Lunatic Right-Wing Fringe This Week | Alternet
"Although Republican leaders rebuked King’s comments, realizing that publicity like this might cost them some Latino votes, it is worth remembering that 97 percent of the House backed King’s amendment to defund the Obama administration’s directive to stop deporting the children of undocumented immigrants. So House Republicans don’t really disagree with the content of his statement, maybe just the colorful language. The Tea Party firebrand does have a way with words, once comparing House janitors who changed incandescent bulbs to more energy-saving compact fluorescents to Stasi troops."

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Things They Are Doing: Wisconsin Police Arrest People for Standing In A Room, Holding A Flag, Singing and Other Dangerous Activities | Common Dreams

The Things They Are Doing: Wisconsin Police Arrest People for Standing In A Room, Holding A Flag, Singing and Other Dangerous Activities | Common Dreams
"Because Koch Brothers' stand-in Scott Walker is some tired of pesky protesters trying to block his corporate agenda and otherwise exercise their alleged constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and even, God forbid, sing, Wisconsin police are in the third day of acrackdown that saw scores of demonstrators arrested in the state Capitol under newly approved rules requiring permits for gatherings of over 20 people - a slight improvement over an earlier rule for gatherings of four, but not much, given that it's supposed to be the people's house and all. Many of those arrested and given $200 tickets were Solidarity Singers in their 70s and 80s who have been turning up for two years to protest Walker'spolicies."

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care PremiumsHealth premiums in Maryland’s exchanges will be “among the lowest of the 12 states that have available proposed or approved rates for comparison,” the state’s exchange —Maryland Health Connection — announced Friday. The news comes just as New York,Oregon, Montana,California, and Louisiana are also reporting lower than expected premiums.

Steve King: In Private, Republicans Actually Agree With My ‘Cantaloupe-Sized Calves’ Comments

Steve King: In Private, Republicans Actually Agree With My ‘Cantaloupe-Sized Calves’ Comments: King claims Republicans back his characterization of immigrants, but are too afraid of the repercussions of publicly embracing his remarks. /p

Documents Detail Coordination Between Republican Party And Right-Wing Media
"Groundswell is the new right-wing media machine, embedding their media outlets not only to report on policy, but to shape it. This is the clearest form of propaganda, and demonstrates how far the GOP will go to gain power. This portion of the Republican Party has clearly aligned themselves not for the betterment of the United States, but for their own purposes. They do not care about me, or you, only the power they aim to wrest from us."

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Friday, July 26, 2013

North Carolina Passes the Country's Worst Voter Suppression Law | Common Dreams

North Carolina Passes the Country's Worst Voter Suppression Law | Common Dreams
"The legislation should be a wake-up call for Congress to get serious about resurrecting theVoting Rights Act and passing federal election reform. Six Southern states have passed or implemented new voting restrictions since the Supreme Court’s decision last month invalidating Section 4 of the VRA, which will go down in history as one of the worst rulings in the past century."

GOP Sacrificing Constituents To Sabotage Obamacare

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NC Ends Legislative Sessions With Bonanza Of Radical Bills

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Boehner's Steve King Problem

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The right’s dumbest plot yet: Groundswell

The right’s dumbest plot yet: Groundswell
"This is another point about the modern Republican Party that some people miss: With some exceptions, Republican politicians aren’t “pandering” to their base, or even scared of their base. They are their base. They consume the same media and believe the same crazy things. The only major difference between Senator Mike Lee and a random RedState diarist is occupation."

Rick Snyder Gives Congressional Republicans A Road Map To Killing Your Retirement
"If any American has any doubts about what Republicans have planned for Social Security, or retirees expecting promised pension and health benefits they paid into throughout their working lives, take a long, hard look at what Rick Snyder and turnaround specialist Kevyn Orr intend doing to pensioners in Detroit because it foreshadows Republicans in Congress intent for Social Security."

Steve King's Tall Tales about Immigrants Couldn't Be Farther From the Truth | Alternet

Steve King's Tall Tales about Immigrants Couldn't Be Farther From the Truth | Alternet
"Nativists like King have no need for facts when there is so much (ungrounded) fear and innuendo at their disposal."

Inside Groundswell: Read the Memos of the New Right-Wing Strategy Group Planning a "30 Front War"
"Believing they are losing the messaging war with progressives, a group of prominent conservatives in Washington—including the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and journalists from Breitbart News and the Washington Examiner—has been meeting privately since early this year to concoct talking points, coordinate messaging, and hatch plans for "a 30 front war seeking to fundamentally transform the nation," according to documents obtained by Mother Jones."

Republicans Sabotaging, Not Governing. This Is Who They Are Now. | Common Dreams

Republicans Sabotaging, Not Governing. This Is Who They Are Now. | Common Dreams
"For President Obama’s entire first term Republicans obstructed every effort to boost the economy. They blocked badly-needed additional stimulus. They blocked infrastructure projects because they would employ people. They blocked the Bring Jobs Home Act. They blocked everything. Then they campaigned by saying the economy isn’t better, so vote for them.
Republicans are now sabotaging the new immigration bill. The reason? They say that Hispanics who get citizenship might vote for Democrats."

Thursday, July 25, 2013

6 Ways Rabid Republicans Are Declaring War On America | Alternet

6 Ways Rabid Republicans Are Declaring War On America | Alternet
"The GOP, the party led by angry white men and libertarian corporatists, is ratcheting up its political warfare against everyday Americans with unmatched brazenness."

Right Wing Conspiracy (Including Ginni Thomas) Creating Groundswell For '30-Front War'

Right Wing Conspiracy (Including Ginni Thomas) Creating Groundswell For '30-Front War'
"What makes this group different from other messaging groups are the participants. Ginni Thomas, Allen West, Ted Cruz staffer Max Pappas, Frank Gaffney, True the Vote, Tea Party Patriots, Freedomworks, and many more. I know of no messaging group anywhere ever who has the ear and the bedroom of a sitting United States Supreme Court Justice, but this one has one, and she is one of the leaders of the pack."

GOP Senator: Shutting Down The Government Over Obamacare Is ‘The Dumbest Idea I’ve Ever Heard’

GOP Senator: Shutting Down The Government Over Obamacare Is ‘The Dumbest Idea I’ve Ever Heard’: A growing number of GOP senators think shutting down the government over Obamacare is a bad plan. One even thinks it’s the “dumbest idea” he’s ever heard./p

Racist Roots of GOP War on Obama
"Right-wing Republicans in Congress are plotting to cripple the U.S. government if Barack Obama, the first African-American president, doesn’t submit to their demands."

Telemundo's Diaz-Balart Confronts Steve King

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Congresswoman: College Affordability ‘Is Not The Role Of The Congress’

Congresswoman: College Affordability ‘Is Not The Role Of The Congress’Foxx’s comments, which can be viewed in full at the 42:00 mark of this video, make perfect sense given her connections to for-profit education. Foxx receives substantial campaign support from the for-profit education companies that would stand to gain from eliminating the federal government’s role in higher education.

With Voting Rights Act in Shambles, North Carolina Kicks Voter Suppression Into High Gear | Common Dreams

With Voting Rights Act in Shambles, North Carolina Kicks Voter Suppression Into High Gear | Common Dreams
"Limit disclosure requirements for issue ads and calls for a study into eliminating 48-hour campaign finance reporting requirements, further cloaking election spending in secrecy."

The vanishing GOP voter

The vanishing GOP voter
"Despite autopsies and rebranding scams, the party has become even more unpopular since its 2012 defeat"

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

House Republicans Ready To Burn The Economy To 'Save' It

House Republicans Ready To Burn The Economy To 'Save' It
"The billionaires are restless, it seems, and perfectly willing to push the Republican party into the nether regions of extremism."

North Carolina On Cusp Of Passing Worst Voter Suppression Bill In The Nation

North Carolina On Cusp Of Passing Worst Voter Suppression Bill In The NationA significant roadblock to the legislation was removed last month when the Supreme Court guttedthe Voting Rights Act

ALEC in 2013: Rightwing Legislative Group Fuels Race to the Bottom in Wages and Worker Rights | Common Dreams

ALEC in 2013: Rightwing Legislative Group Fuels Race to the Bottom in Wages and Worker Rights | Common Dreams
"At least 117 bills introduced in 2013 fuel a "race to the bottom" in wages, benefits, and worker rights and resemble "model" bills from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), according to a new analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), publishers of"

Boehner Brags about Turning America into Detroit...

It’s Time to Investigate Boehner, Issa, and the Republican Criminal Conspiracy
"Throughout the President’s first term in office, Republicans made little secret their goal in preventing economic recovery and keeping Americans unemployed was to deny Obama a second term. However, their criminal activity has continued unabated well into the President’s second term and it is further proof the not-so-secret conspiracy is emasculating the economy to allow their wealthy Wall Street and corporate donors the ability to privatize the federal government."

Internal Document Reveals House Republicans’ Strategy For Successful Public Events: Plant Questions

Internal Document Reveals House Republicans’ Strategy For Successful Public Events: Plant Questions: Approval for Congressional Republicans stands at just 24 percent. So how, exactly, can House Republicans make sure their events with constituents go smoothly?/p

Monday, July 22, 2013

Group Focused on Goverment Ethics Puts Scott Walker on List of “Worst Governors in America”

Group Focused on Goverment Ethics Puts Scott Walker on List of “Worst Governors in America”
"The criteria CREW used when assessing the nation’s governors were the following: corruption, transparency, partisan politics, pressuring public officials, cronyism, self-enrichment, scandal and mismanagement."

Rand Paul's White Supremacy Double Game | Alternet

Rand Paul's White Supremacy Double Game | Alternet
"Paul's aide Jack Hunter says he’s leaving to protect his boss and clear his own name -- but there's plenty of reason not to buy it."

Social Mobility Much More Difficult in Red States, Study Shows

Social Mobility Much More Difficult in Red States, Study Shows
"This isn't surprising. We already knew the Red States are poorer, less educated, have higher rates of teen pregnancy, divorce and gun deaths. So, it makes sense that the American Dream is harder to come by there."

Ken Cuccinelli Reaches National Joke Status Thanks To The View
"This is super bad news for Ken Cuccinelli, whose biggest task in the upcoming election was to keep voters ignorant of his extremism. Even the Republican business community warned him that he was too extreme."

Secrets of the Right: Selling Garbage to Your Fans | Alternet

Secrets of the Right: Selling Garbage to Your Fans | Alternet
"The premium for the racketeers is always on the crazy and hyperbolic, because that’s what sells. “The problem,” as Pareene insightfully noted, is that these hucksters “exert massive influence, and they only ever push the Republican Party to get more extreme…[so] you should still worry about the influence of the scammers.” In other words: if you don’t particularly care about conservative activists wasting their money, it may be time to start."

Which Politician Has Donkey DNA (According To The Tea Party)

Senator Rand Paul Hopes His Hiring of a White Supremacist Won’t Damage GOP Brand
"This is a real thing, not the Onion, and it should demonstrate just how far off the rails the Republican Party is these days."

Ted Nugent, Spokesperson For Hate & The NRA

New Low: These 14 Republicans Gutted Food Aid While Giving Themselves Farm Subsidies
"A new low, indeed. Welfare for the wealthy, redistribution for the elite, and nothing for the rest of the country. Republican austerity explained in action"

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Gov Scott Walker gives leader of jobs agency a 50 percent pay raise after Wisconsin sank to 49th in job growth
"Wisconsin has plummeted to 49th in job growth under Scott Walker’s (R-Koch) Governorship, so what does Walker do? The Republican Governor gave Reed Hall a 50 percent raise hike. Hall is the CEO of Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, a taxpayer funded entity."

Confronted By Univision Reporter, Steve King Says Comparison Of Immigrants To Dogs Was A Compliment

Confronted By Univision Reporter, Steve King Says Comparison Of Immigrants To Dogs Was A Compliment: In a Univision interview, leading Hispanic reporter Jorge Ramos confronted Rep. Steve King (R-IA) over remarks in 2012 where the congressman likened immigrants to dogs. King refused to apologize, even as Ramos told him “many people would find that offensive and racist.” Video of King’s 2012 town hall shows him saying America has the “pick [...]/p

Saturday, July 20, 2013

What A Nation Might Look Like Built on Republican Ideology
 “If conservative ideology is so wonderful, why are so many of their states poor, rank near the bottom in median family income and their citizens have shorter life expectancy than people living in “liberal states?” Of course it’s a rhetorical question because most conservatives either won’t answer the question or simply deny that it’s true."

Rand Paul’s Top Aide Attempts To Get Racist Columns Deleted, Claims He’s Racist No More
"Conservatives are, of course, vehemently defending him, apparently concerned that the potential ‘stink’ on Paul’s decision to hire the “Southern Avenger” to work on his emerging campaign may well waft their way. But keep this in mind: as the Tea Party continues to pretend they do not harbor racist members who trade in the words and deeds of bigotry, and their big brother, the GOP, dances through its own version of the same, pay attention. The truth will speak louder than words."

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Again, House GOP Rejects Ban On Gun Sales To ... Terrorists

Again, House GOP Rejects Ban On Gun Sales To ... Terrorists
"A proposal to ban the sale of firearms to individuals on the FBI’s terrorist watch list was defeated by House Republicans on Wednesday."

Tea Party Leader Compares Immigration to the Alamo, Alien Invasion in Independence Day | Right Wing Watch

Tea Party Leader Compares Immigration to the Alamo, Alien Invasion in Independence Day | Right Wing Watch
"Today, the Center for Immigration Studies posted a full video of Crow’s speech, and it turns out that the Secretariat/donkey analogy was just the beginning of his racist talking points."

Report: Grand Jury Convened in California "Campaign Money Laundering" Investigation
"If prosecutors do move forward, their investigation could shine light on parts of the burgeoning network of conservative "social welfare" outfits that spent hundreds of millions in the last two elections. Under IRS rules, social-welfare groups can engage in political activities so long as that work is not their primary purpose, a loosely enforced rule often interpreted to mean that 49 percent of a group’s spending can go toward political work."

Rep. Darrell Issa Tries (And Fails) To Rewrite Himself At IRS Hearing

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

God’s Foreign Policy: Christian Zionism

God’s Foreign Policy: Christian Zionism
"when John Hagee, Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee talk about the “ingathering,” they are speaking a coded language that refers not just to the return of the Jews to Israel, but also to the Christian Zionist yearning for the battle they believe it prefigures. Within their eschatological vision lies the very potential for Israel’s undoing, for it is a vision fueled by a deliberate intent to incite sufficient hatred to set the Muslim, and ultimately the entire world on fire. And thanks to the efforts of John Hagee, the founder of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas and of his million-member Christian Zionist lobby (CUFI), the final battle may well come in the form of a nuclear holocaust that Christian Zionists both desire and encourage."

Republican Black Thursday: Stocks Are Up 110% Under Obama, Closing in On Reagan’s 116%
"It was just seven days ago that the Obama economy shattered records with a huge budget surplus in June. So what we have here is a Democratic president whose economic and financial record is that of a fiscally responsible President, what some might label a “fiscal conservative”, only a real one- one who pays for programs he enacts and doesn’t just borrow like a drunken frat boy from the taxpayers"

Now Issa’s on the hot seat

Now Issa’s on the hot seat
"It’s a familiar place for Issa — blowing desperately on the last smoldering embers of what once promised to be a towering conflagration of a scandal — and after overplaying his hand in Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Benghazi and even the Joe Sestak affair, among many others, whatever credibility Issa has left may die with the IRS controversy."

Most Media Coverage Ignores Premium Drop, Focuses On GOP Effort To Undermine Obamacare

Most Media Coverage Ignores Premium Drop, Focuses On GOP Effort To Undermine Obamacare: Early on Wednesday, as House Republicans prepared to vote for a delay of the Affordable Care Act’s employer and individual mandates, New York state officials announced that health care premiums in the new exchange will plummet by at least 50 percent as a result of the law. For reform advocates, the story represented a reprieve [...]/p

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Republican Presidential Hopefuls' Favorite 'Christian Nation' Extremist | Right Wing Watch

Republican Presidential Hopefuls' Favorite 'Christian Nation' Extremist | Right Wing Watch
"Politicians like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul should be held to account for partnering politically with David Lane. But given the increasingly small differences between the GOP’s right wing and it’s really right wing, we probably shouldn’t expect politicians cozying up to Lane to show any discomfort with his extremism."

Why Latinos Are Democrats (And Why They’re Likely To Stay That Way)

Why Latinos Are Democrats (And Why They’re Likely To Stay That Way): Gallup has just released data showing Democrats with huge leads in party identification among all age groups of Hispanics. Why is this? One theory, as summarized by John Sides in a recent post on Monkey Cage, is “that people identify with the party that they associate with social groups they like or belong to. So [...]/p

By Blocking Immigration Reform, House Republicans Secure GOP Death Spiral | Alternet

By Blocking Immigration Reform, House Republicans Secure GOP Death Spiral | Alternet
"Republicans face two choices on immigration: support reform that annoys your base and creates millions of new Democrats, or block reform and further identify the party as whites-only."

PA GOP Is Looking To Push Out Gov. Tom Corbett

PA GOP Is Looking To Push Out Gov. Tom Corbett
"The only reason the party regulars won't support him is because he's a loser. After all, they picked him. In fact, their biggest complaint is that he hasn't executed enough of their extremist agenda."

Racists Versus Reform Make Stark Choice For Boehner On Immigration

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The GOP can't hide from immigration reform
"Sixteen million Latino voters will decide that election."

Austerity Is Leaving Children Sick With Lead Poisoning

Austerity Is Leaving Children Sick With Lead Poisoning: Back in March, the House passed a budget written by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) that cuts overall domestic spending even further than sequestration. But the consequences of that budget are only now becoming clear, as the House writes specific spending bills for next year. Just one of the critical programs that would fall victim to [...]/p

Keynes can save us yet

Keynes can save us yet
"Austerity has been a dreadful failure. A return to sensible Keynesian policies is the first step to restoring prosperity."

The Right’s Racism Is Showing
"The House Republicans dumping the food stamp program, the continuing GOP assaults on voting rights and the celebrating among some right-wing commentators over the Trayvon Martin murder verdict are indications that white racism is alive and well in the United States"

Kirkorian Warns of Third Party if GOP Doesn’t Block Immigration Reform | Right Wing Watch

Kirkorian Warns of Third Party if GOP Doesn’t Block Immigration Reform | Right Wing Watch
"Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies is warning House Republicans that a third party may emerge if they don’t block immigration reform."

Bachmann Staffer Arrested In Connection With Capitol Hill Burglaries

Bachmann Staffer Arrested In Connection With Capitol Hill Burglaries
"Javier Sanchez was a high-level legislative director for Michele Bachmann, assisting her with issues such as immigration reform, the farm bill, and her oxymoronic assignment to the House Intelligence Committee.
On July 11, Mr. Sanchez was arrested on charges that he burglarized several offices belonging to other House members."

Vacationing McDonnell leaves growing outrage, scandal behind

Has the 1 Percent Committed Treason? | Alternet

Has the 1 Percent Committed Treason? | Alternet
"A small group of extremely wealthy people are systematically destroying the US government."

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The 7 Craziest, Cruelest Right-Wing Statements from Just This Week | Alternet

The 7 Craziest, Cruelest Right-Wing Statements from Just This Week | Alternet
"It was a week of both stupid and cruel Republican tricks. Stupid in the beginning of the week when Florida Gov. Rick Scott led an effort to ban Internet cafes, and the bill was so poorly worded, it inadvertently banned all the state’s computers. Oops. Cruelty came later, when the Republican-led house successfully disentangled food stamp funding from the farm bill."

Rand Paul's Confederacy Scandal Is Not an Anomaly -- Libertarianism Is a 'Philosophy' That Papers Over Deep Racism in America | Alternet

Rand Paul's Confederacy Scandal Is Not an Anomaly -- Libertarianism Is a 'Philosophy' That Papers Over Deep Racism in America | Alternet
"That’s because they’re libertarians and libertarianism is the velvet glove over the iron fist of racism."

Friday, July 12, 2013

Party of No

Party of No
"Most House Republicans have nothing to worry about for the time being; their districts are safe. But the GOP's fortunes in national contests -- and eventually in statewide races as well -- will be increasingly dim. Maybe they'll wake up when Texas begins to change from red to blue.
In the meantime, it's sad to see a once-great political party carry on as if whistling past the graveyard were a plan."

Strategist Advice To Republicans: 'Dekookify'

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