Friday, November 30, 2012

Santelli Throws a Tantrum and Storms Off Air Because Pro-Obama CEO Paying Dividends Before Tax Hikes

Santelli Throws a Tantrum and Storms Off Air Because Pro-Obama CEO Paying Dividends Before Tax Hikes
"CNBC on-air editor Rick Santelli, who is credited with helping to launch the tea party movement, flew into a rage and stomped off camera on Friday because a supporter of President Obama plans to pay shareholders a dividend before taxes are scheduled to go up at the end of the year."

Oops: New Senator Picks Ghostwriter Behind Rick Perry’s Extremist Book As Chief of Staff

Oops: New Senator Picks Ghostwriter Behind Rick Perry’s Extremist Book As Chief of Staff: Senator-elect Ted Cruz (R-TX) is no stranger to fringe ideas. He authored an unconstitutional plan to nullify the Affordable Care Act. His first campaign ad touted his work helping Texas to execute an “illegal alien.” And he published an article last January claiming that the United Nations and billionaire George Soros are engaged in a [...]/p

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Right-Wing Media Bubble Cocoons Republicans from Adapting to the New Political Landscape | Alternet

The Right-Wing Media Bubble Cocoons Republicans from Adapting to the New Political Landscape | Alternet
"Republicans are responding to their recent losses not by moderating their rhetoric or rethinking their policy preferences, but by retreating deeper into the conservative bubble -- and hardening it lest any objective reality intrude."

Tea Party Refuses to Accept Reality, Opts for Desperation

Tea Party Refuses to Accept Reality, Opts for Desperation
"By the way, there's a reason Tea Party Nation is one of the few tea party groups to snag the attention of the Southern Poverty Law Center. They're extreme and extremely hateful. They also seem to have a problem with reality-based living."

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ron Paul's Farewell Speech in Congress Lays Bare His Hatred for "Pure Democracy," and Love of Oligarchy | Alternet

Ron Paul's Farewell Speech in Congress Lays Bare His Hatred for "Pure Democracy," and Love of Oligarchy | Alternet
"Rep. Ron Paul, an icon to the libertarian Right and to some on the anti-war Left, gave a farewell address to Congress that expressed his neo-Confederate interpretation of the Constitution and his anti-historical view of the supposedly good old days of laissez-faire capitalism.
In a near-hour-longrambling speech on Nov. 14, Paul also revealed himself to be an opponent of “pure democracy” because government by the people and for the people tends to infringe on the “liberty” of businessmen who, in Paul’s ideal world, should be allowed to do pretty much whatever they want to the less privileged."

Greetings from Crazyland! 10 Instances of Fox Nation's Departure from Reality | Alternet

Greetings from Crazyland! 10 Instances of Fox Nation's Departure from Reality | Alternet
"Fox Nation is a website integral to the Fox news family. And their abuse of reality and truth is truly breathtaking."

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Top 4 Whoppers Norquist Tells To Keep Republicans From Defecting

The Top 4 Whoppers Norquist Tells To Keep Republicans From DefectingThe anti-tax zealot uses his ubiquitous presence on cable TV, radio, and in print to publicly pressure Republicans from compromising on a balanced measure that includes increased revenue and spending cuts, using various scare tactics to keep the GOP in line. But his claims — which he dutifully reiterates in every media appearance — are often divorced from reality.

For Scott Walker, Walls Are Closing In

For Scott Walker, Walls Are Closing In
"According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, the last player in the Walkergate case is his right-hand man, Tim Russell, who just reached a plea deal with prosecutors over his alleged embezzlement of funds from a veterans group."

Lone Republican Still Gunning for Romney Victory | Alternet

Lone Republican Still Gunning for Romney Victory | Alternet
"One Idaho state lawmaker is still in denial over election results and would like to see states challenge the legitimacy of Obama’s reelection."

The Millennial Generation: Our Liberal Future

The Millennial Generation: Our Liberal Future
"How doomed are conservatives? Pretty doomed, if you look carefully at the Pew Research Survey’s close analysis of the youth vote in the 2012 elections. The Republicans’ long-term dilemma has generally been framed in racial terms, but it’s mainly a generational one. The youngest generation of voters contains a much smaller proportion of white voters than previous generations, and those whites in that generation vote Republican by a much smaller margin than their elders. What’s more, younger voters supported President Obama during the last two election cycles for reasons that seem to go beyond the usual reasons — social issues like gay marriage and feminism, immigration policy, or Obama’s personal appeal — and suggest a deeper attachment to liberalism. The proclivities of younger voters may actually portend a full-scale sea change in American politics."

Monday, November 26, 2012

Grover Norquist, Enemy of the State? | Alternet

Grover Norquist, Enemy of the State? | Alternet
"Is it possible that Grover Norquist, the multi-millionaire K-Street lobbyist long funded by billionaires, is an enemy of the state? Pretty strong language, but consider that he has connived over the years to get hundreds of members of Congress to violate their own oath of office by pledging a higher oath to keep billionaires' taxes low than their pledge to the Constitution itself."

Why the current GOP can't win Latinos

Why the current GOP can't win Latinos
"Or put another way, nearly 67,000 Latinos turn 18 every month according to Pew, with 93 percent of them U.S. citizens and eligible to vote. Couple that with the over 100,000 elderly (and predominantly conservative) whites who die each month, and you're looking at over 3 million new potential Latino voters, and nearly 5 million fewer white voters. In just four years.

Or put yet another way: Texas will be a swing state by 2024."

Mitt Romney '47 percent watch': 47!

Mitt Romney '47 percent watch': 47!
"So what drama is left? Well, if Obama surpasses 51 percent, he'll be just the fourth president in the last 100 years to do so twice, and the last since Ronald Reagan. That shouldn't be a problem given what's left to be counted."

Romney's 47 Percent Chickens Come Home to Roost

Romney's 47 Percent Chickens Come Home to Roost
"As the final 2012 vote tallies come in from all over the country, it's clear that Barack Obama didn't just squeak by, but will win by over three percentage points, leaving Mitt Romney with 47 percent of the popular vote."

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Why Does The Working Class Have To Pick Up The Pieces Caused By Wall Street & Tea Party Deficit Hawks?

Why Does The Working Class Have To Pick Up The Pieces Caused By Wall Street & Tea Party Deficit Hawks?
"Are you sick and tired of listening to the Beltway villagers frame our economic plight as the end of the year looms? Whenever a Democratic politician comes out and says that we should let things play out until after January 1, and then start bargaining, they freak out. They have completely surrendered to the disaster-capital Republicans and are trying to help them force major cuts in the social safety net for all working class Americans, all in the name of a greedy Wall Street along with much-needed backup from the Tea Party Birchers."

How FOX News Is Destroying the GOP | Alternet

How FOX News Is Destroying the GOP | Alternet
"So yes, those are conspicuous handcuffs the GOP is wearing: Fox News has hijacked the party's communications apparatus and is pushing the type of paranoid,  blame-the-voter rhetoric that loses elections, and the type of rhetoric Romney's now being blamed for. But the GOP can't turn it off. In fact, most Republicans can't even work up enough courage to ask Fox News to turn down the volume.
Unwilling to acknowledge the GOP's future poses a long-term media problem (the topic is not to be discussed ), Republicans pretend they have a short-term Romney one."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Can We Help the Would-Be Secessionists Pack?

Can We Help the Would-Be Secessionists Pack?
"The Tea Party folks -- to no one's great surprise -- are not taking their electoral defeat at the hands of a black man lying down. They're threatening to pack up their soccer ball and take it home."

Putting Lipstick on a Pig: 4 Messes that Sink the GOP's Dreams of Regaining the Presidency | Alternet

Putting Lipstick on a Pig: 4 Messes that Sink the GOP's Dreams of Regaining the Presidency | Alternet
"In a nutshell, how does a party of insular, rigid true believers, thrusting warlike middle fingers towards modernity, talk itself into modernizing just because it lost one election? Aside from putting lipstick on a pig, where’s the miraculous (earthbound) agency that modernizes angry, resentful Tea Partiers whose outrage targeted the very diverse, younger, secular crowds now crowning the future?"

The Post-Election Myths Spun by Paul Ryan and Other GOP Liars

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

the vast disconnect between what actually happened during the 2012 presidential election and the “things people are saying about the election that are not true, but make people feel better to say them anyway.”

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HHS releases draft rules on key elements of Obamacare, including pre-existing conditions

HHS releases draft rules on key elements of Obamacare, including pre-existing conditions
"This is the stuff health insurance reform was all about, the core regulations that will make health insurance affordable and accessible. They're also the parts of reform that will be most popular and important to the public. This is the stuff Republicans absolutely did not want to see implemented, and the stuff that will make "Obamacare" be as much an appreciated part of the nation's health care system as Medicare."

5 Christian Right Delusions Busted by Romney and GOP Losses | Alternet

5 Christian Right Delusions Busted by Romney and GOP Losses | Alternet
"The Religious Right took a drubbing at the polls when voters rejected not only Mitt Romney but also some of the most extreme Republican candidates, even those in races that should have been easy Republican victories. Like other conservatives, many Religious Right activists  predicted a big victory for Romney and Republicans in the U.S. Senate based on five myths they hold about the electorate:"

The War On Women Is a Class War | Alternet

The War On Women Is a Class War | Alternet
"Last week the voters delivered their verdict on what has come to be known as "the Republican War on Women": They're against it."

Monday, November 19, 2012

6 Myths Pushed by FOX News to Ensure Rich Don't Pay Fair Share -- Debunked | Alternet

6 Myths Pushed by FOX News to Ensure Rich Don't Pay Fair Share -- Debunked | Alternet
"Fox News tried to undermine President Obama's tax plan by pushing six debunked tax myths in advance of negotiations on how to avoid a series of automatic tax increases and spending cuts. In reality, Obama's proposal to let tax cuts for wealthy Americans expire will grow the economy and is supported by a majority of Americans."

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Civil Rights Battle Royale: Contending for the Soul of the Military

A Civil Rights Battle Royale: Contending for the Soul of the Military
"Dominionsim" is to the Christian faith what "Wahhabism" is to the Islamic faith. Think "Christian Taliban," and you're right on the mark. I'm sorry to have to report that fundamentalist Christianity or "Dominionism" is inextricably intertwined into the very DNA of our United States armed forces today. Its unlawful and un-American tentacles of noxious unconstitutionality are systemically found in every unit of every branch of the US military.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Virginia GOP Official: Obama Will Go To Hell

Virginia GOP Official: Obama Will Go To Hell: Virginia Republican party official Bob FitzSimmonds is by no means a fortune teller, but he feels confident guessing that President Obama is going to hell. In a Facebook posting, FitzSimmonds, who is a close associate of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, speculated that Obama would live a long life but when he died at 90, [...]/p

Racist Reagan Operatives Behind New Robocall Calling for Obama's Impeachment

Racist Reagan Operatives Behind New Robocall Calling for Obama's Impeachment
"Make no mistake. These are the people who carry the heart and the torch of today's Republican Party. They are not edge cases, but mainstream Republicans doing mainstream Republican things. They have ties to Karl Rove and the neocon right, and ties to Pat Buchanan and the hardcore racist right.
Reagan built that."

It's The "Jobs Cliff" Stupid...

Beware of con men bearing slogans. The oldest trick in the book is for conservatives -- cons -- to create hysteria around something, and then get all of us to give them billions of our tax dollars to fix the problem they've gotten us all hysterical about.

The Sore Losers Club Welcomes New Members Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan | Alternet

The Sore Losers Club Welcomes New Members Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan | Alternet
"Romney was roundly defeated last week, and the man who defeated him has now publicly saluted him  twice. This is the time for Romney to show grace, humility and maybe some humor too. Instead, he’s coming across like a sore loser, one who’d rather make excuses than give his opponent any real credit."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's the "Jobs Cliff," Stupid! | Common Dreams

It's the "Jobs Cliff," Stupid! | Common Dreams
"In other words, the “fiscal cliff” is another classic example of what Naomi Klein called “Disaster Capitalism.” Create a panic, and then profit from it. For example, Wall Street is helping fund groups like the Third Way that are pushing hard for us to give our Social Security Trust Fund – which has over two and a half trillion dollars in it – to Goldman Sachs and Citibank so they can take care of it for us. Doesn’t that make you feel all safe, and warm-and-fuzzy?"

POLL: Voters Hate Super PACs, Want More Campaign Finance Disclosure

POLL: Voters Hate Super PACs, Want More Campaign Finance Disclosure: A new poll of 2012 voters by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Democracy Corps and Public Campaign Action Fund shows huge national concern with the growing role of money in politics and the lack of disclosure thereof. Fully 61 percent of voters (60 percent of Romney voters and 62 percent of Obama voters) oppose the current [...]/p

Drudge Goes All in With "Secession" Meme as the Republican War on the Constitution Escalates | Alternet

Drudge Goes All in With "Secession" Meme as the Republican War on the Constitution Escalates | Alternet
"There is no greater oxymoron in America's political discourse than the “Constitutional conservative"."

More accurate than Nate Silver

More accurate than Nate Silver
"According to the Atlantic's Rebecca Greenfield, there were only three pundits, out of 74 she tracked, who called the 2012 Electoral College correctly—Nate Silver, Drew Lizner, and me."

Fox News Re-Ups Swift Boat Attacks On John Kerry

Fox News Re-Ups Swift Boat Attacks On John Kerry: From the liars at Fox. The same right wing propaganda channel that brought you the chikenhawk Bush and the draft dodger Romney. Now they are back using debunked lies from 2004 to attack someone who actually served in a combat zone.

Ten Right Wing Election Myths Debunked by Reality in 2012 | Alternet

Ten Right Wing Election Myths Debunked by Reality in 2012 | Alternet
"One of the more stunning developments following President Obama’s re-election has been the number of ardent Republicans who have confessed that they believed the anti-Democratic propaganda from Fox News—and got so much wrong as a result."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How Republicans Stole the Election... Again

How Republicans Stole the Election... Again
"Except that’s not quite true, Mr King, and you know it. The American people didn’t vote for a Republican House, the Republicans didn’t actually win the House, and therefore there is no mandate. 53,952,240 votes were cast for a Democratic House candidate compared to 53,402,643 cast for a Republican; in other words, over half a million more Americans voted for Democratic House candidates than for Republican candidates. Republicans received less than half of the vote for members of the House of Representatives, and even lost seats in the House this election. Yet Republicans still took 55 percent of the seats in the House. In effect, they had to steal the House. Here’s how:"

America has NEVER been a center right nation

With the fiscal cliff negotiations heating up - will Democrats heed the advice of FDR - and stick to the party's progressive roots?

Dear Secessionists, Go For It, Please | Common Dreams

Dear Secessionists, Go For It, Please | Common Dreams
"Interestingly, it turns out most red states aremoochers and welfare queens who take more than they give in federal funds. We wish them godspeed, and good luck with their budgets."

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Grand or otherwise, there's no bargaining with these Republicans

Grand or otherwise, there's no bargaining with these Republicans
"No compromise. No Grand Bargain. No cuts to Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid. No enabling a Republican Party that is spiraling toward oblivion. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and force the Republicans to decide whether they want to oppose the Obama middle class tax cuts. The false Republican narratives of fiscal crisis and runaway entitlements must be called for the lies they are. The false Republican politicians and pundits must be revealed as the frauds they are. The Democrats need only speak the truth, seize the moment, and ride the electoral and demographic tide that has them ascendant and still rising. History is there for the making. History is there for the taking."

PERRspectives: CBO: No Tax Cuts for the Rich, No Problem

PERRspectives: CBO: No Tax Cuts for the Rich, No Problem
"For the second time in as many weeks, an analysis by a nonpartisan agency of Congress has demolished the GOP myth of upper-income taxes and so-called "job creators"."

Obama Swept States With The Most Educated Workforces And The Highest Paid Teachers

Obama Swept States With The Most Educated Workforces And The Highest Paid Teachers: Barack Obama fared well across the country Tuesday night, winning 332 electoral votes en route to a second term as president. Nowhere did he perform better, however, than in states that place the highest emphasis on education. Of the 10 most educated states, measured by the percentage of residents over 25 years old who have [...]/p

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Brief Rundown of Just How Big a Victory Tuesday Was for Democrats

Brief Rundown of Just How Big a Victory Tuesday Was for Democrats
"After being told for six months how close the race was, turns out, No. No it wasn't. How big of a win was it? In the end, it wasn't even close. President Obama won BOTH the Electoral College AND the Popular Vote... and not just by a little, but by A LOT... 126 Electoral votes and nearly 3 Million in the Popular Vote"

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thanks, teabaggers, for gifting us the Senate!

Thanks, teabaggers, for gifting us the Senate!
"So we can safely assume that if the teabaggers didn't exist, Republicans today would be enjoying a 53-47 Senate majority. Instead, they face a 10-seat 55-45 deficit."

5 Fraudulent Election Claims by Religious Right Leaders Exposed | Alternet

5 Fraudulent Election Claims by Religious Right Leaders Exposed | Alternet
"The religious right took a drubbing at the polls yesterday as voters rejected not only Mitt Romney but also some of the most extreme Republican candidates, even those in races that should have been easy Republican victories."

Republican Party is going to have to leave their proverbial bubble to remain viable

The Republican Party is going to have to leave their proverbial bubble to remain viable. Facts matter. Terrific breakdown of election night.The national results were predicted by fact-based models while the right wing media failed as usual.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Progressive Democrat Tammy Baldwin Wins U.S. Senate Seat in Wisconsin

Progressive Democrat Tammy Baldwin Wins U.S. Senate Seat in Wisconsin
"Wisconsin has upheld its reputation as a truly purple state by electing Democrat Tammy Baldwin to the U.S. Senate, by a solid margin of 51 to 46, and reelecting President Barack Obama to a second term, just months after handing the Tea Party and out-of-state special interests a victory by voting to keep far-right GovernorScott Walker in office. Baldwin's victory, along with Elizabeth Warren's win in Massachusetts and Sherrod Brown's win in Ohio, helps ensure Democrats keep control of the U.S. Senate."

PERRspectives: Please Proceed, Governor

PERRspectives: Please Proceed, Governor
"With his gracious concession speech Tuesday, Mitt Romneyended his decades-long quest for the presidency. But that moment of dignity and decency can't obscure a campaign in which Romney showed utter disrespect for the President, obvious contempt for the voters and a cynical disregard for the truth. Now that his quest has failed, he doesn't merely need to leave the national stage. Mitt Romney must take his brand of "post-truth" politics with him."

How Grover Norquist’s Radical Anti-Tax Pledge Sunk Top Tier Republican Senate Candidates

How Grover Norquist’s Radical Anti-Tax Pledge Sunk Top Tier Republican Senate Candidates: Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform boasted that 279 Congressional incumbents — and another 286 challengers — signed his “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” to never vote for any tax increases under any circumstances. But when Democrats fought back against the anti-tax zealotry of Norquist and his Republican minions, many voters reacted positively, rejecting the pledge and [...]/p

Six Congressional Races Where GOP Extremism Lost

Six Congressional Races Where GOP Extremism Lost: The 2012 House and Senate races were to a significant degree about the GOP’s shift to the far right of the American historical norm — assaults on the fundamentals of the social safety net unseen since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid, unprecedented attempts to restrict women’s reproductive freedom, and near-theological devotion to lowering tax [...]/p

Karl Rove, the Biggest Loser | Alternet

Karl Rove, the Biggest Loser | Alternet
"Mitt Romney wasn’t the only big loser last night. For  Karl Rove,  the coup de grace came in the hour just before midnight"

For Obama, a Bigger Win Than for Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Bush or Bush | Common Dreams

For Obama, a Bigger Win Than for Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Bush or Bush | Common Dreams
"By the time Romney conceded at 1 a.m., Obama had a 250,000 popular-vote lead, and it grew to roughly two million by dawn.
He was on track to win a majority of states and more than 300 Electoral Votes – at least 303 and, with the right result in Florida, 332."

Voter Suppression Tactics Backfire on GOP, Galvanizing Voters' Resolve | Alternet

Voter Suppression Tactics Backfire on GOP, Galvanizing Voters' Resolve | Alternet
"From shortened early voting hours in Ohio to mayhem in Florida, voters held their ground for hours, demanding their right to vote -- in record numbers."

OBAMA'S BIG NIGHT - The Atlantic

OBAMA'S BIG NIGHT - The Atlantic
"In the end, it wasn't particularly close. Assuming his late leads hold in Florida and Ohio, Obama will have lost just two states from his 2008 sweep, Indiana and North Carolina. Every other swing state -- from Ohio, Iowa and New Hampshire to Virginia, Florida, Colorado and Nevada -- fell for Obama. The Democratic-leaning states Romney tried to put on the board, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, never came close."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Linda McMahon pulls WWE-style dirty tricks out of the bag

Linda McMahon pulls WWE-style dirty tricks out of the bag
"If she can't buy her way into the Senate, she'll cheat her way into the Senate. And she's trying convince voters she's not a Republican? Good luck with that."

Need to tell somebody where to vote? Run into a hassle at the polls? Here is some help

Need to tell somebody where to vote? Run into a hassle at the polls? Here is some help
"Here are some links and phone numbers to help with troubleshooting the voting that have been tested and found to work." Now get out there and vote!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Voting an 'Act of Defiance Against Malicious Political Forces'

Voting an 'Act of Defiance Against Malicious Political Forces'
"voting is more than just the core responsibility of citizenship; it is an act of defiance against malicious political forces determined to reduce access to democracy. Millions of ballots on Tuesday — along with those already turned in — will be cast despite the best efforts of Republican officials around the country to prevent them from playing a role in the 2012 election."

Nate Silver: Obama Has 86.3 Percent Chance of Winning Election | Alternet

Nate Silver: Obama Has 86.3 Percent Chance of Winning Election | Alternet
"Silver explained why his forecast shows Obama winning ina recent column . “Friday’s polling should make it easy to discern why Mr. Obama has the Electoral College advantage. There were 22 polls of swing states published Friday,” Silver writes. “Of these, Mr. Obama led in 19 polls, and two showed a tie. Mitt Romney led in just one of the surveys, a Mason-Dixon poll of Florida"." Now get out there and VOTE!!!!! The higher the turnout the harder it is to steal. Remember republicans have not won a presidential election (except by cheating Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004) since 1988. (Silver's final 2008 presidential election forecast accurately predicted the winner of 49 of the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia (missing only the prediction for Indiana). He also correctly predicted the winners of every U.S. Senate race.)

PERRspectives: Mitt Romney by the Numbers

PERRspectives: Mitt Romney by the Numbers
"For years, Mitt Romney has been telling Americans "I love data." As he bragged to the Wall Street Journal:
"I used to call it 'wallowing in the data.' Let me see the data. I want to see the client's data, the competitors' data. I want to see all the data."
But the man who would be America's 45th President doesn't want voters to see any of his. In early 2007, the Massachusetts Governor's aides scrubbed his administration's computer records as he was heading out the door in Boston. Determined to avoid becoming the poster boy for gaming the IRS, Romney's tax returns remain a mystery because, as he put it, "I don't put out which tooth paste I use either." As for own tax plan, Romney boasts that "it can't be scored" because the "details will have to be worked out with Congress." As for which tax breaks he would end to offset the $5 trillion in revenue his tax cut scheme would drain from the U.S. Treasury, Mitt Romney won't name a single one in public. Otherwise, he told the Wall Street Journal last year, "you're gonna get hit by the demagogues in the general election."
But what Mitt Romney calls demagogues, most Americans call "voters." And despite Romney's perpetual--and perpetually cynical--efforts to keep his data secret, on the eve of the 2012 election there are some things we do know. Here, then, is Mitt Romney by the numbers."

Republicans begin blame game for possible Romney loss

Arizona GOP Senate Candidate Robocalls Democrats And Tells Them To Vote In The Wrong Place

Arizona GOP Senate Candidate Robocalls Democrats And Tells Them To Vote In The Wrong Place: According to a report by Phoenix, Arizona’s NBC affiliate, Rep. Jeff Flake’s (R-AZ) U.S. Senate campaign called Democratic voters telling them to vote in the wrong precinct — in some cases as much as 11 miles away from their actual polling place. After telling the Democratic voters to vote in the wrong place, the calls [...]/p

Lindsey Graham says he'll go nuts if GOPers say Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough

Lindsey Graham says he'll go nuts if GOPers say Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough
"In a story about the looming GOP civil war, Jonathan Martin gets this great quote from South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham:
“If I hear anybody say it was because Romney wasn’t conservative enough I’m going to go nuts,” said Graham. “We’re not losing 95 percent of African-Americans and two-thirds of Hispanics and voters under 30 because we’re not being hard-ass enough"."

5 Signs Romney is Getting Desperate | Alternet

5 Signs Romney is Getting Desperate | Alternet
"The polls, though, continue show a solid lead for President Obama, particularly in the Electoral College race. And that means it’s time for the Romney-Ryan campaign to get desperate--which is exactly what they’ve been doing."

Romney's big miscalculation on the Jeep-to-China lie

Romney's big miscalculation on the Jeep-to-China lie
"By now there's no real doubt that Mitt Romney's lies about Chrysler and General Motors moving jobs from the United States to China thanks to the auto bailout hurt rather than helped him."

5 Questions Mitt Romney Should Answer About His Mormonism | Alternet

5 Questions Mitt Romney Should Answer About His Mormonism | Alternet
"Reviewing Romney's statements - and "inelegant misstatements" - throughout this campaign, we have now come to feel that full disclosure about the shaping influence of religion on his character is of even greater urgency to the voter. It is no longer about the postponed Mormon Moment, for that has been lost. It is about Romney himself. Who is this man? What settled convictions does he have? Is Romney the face of Mormonism? Or, as some Mormons have come to feel, has he so far distanced himself from core values of his religion that they feel constrained to emphasize that he is not that face?"

A Vote for the Republicans is a Vote Against Yourself: 5 Reasons Why | Common Dreams

A Vote for the Republicans is a Vote Against Yourself: 5 Reasons Why | Common Dreams
"To be more precise, it's a vote against yourself as long as you're making less than $250,000 a year, which includes about 99% of us. The Republicans have repeatedly turned against middle-class and low-income Americans in their legislative proposals over the past two years. Here are some of the sordid details"

Ohio Gov. Refutes Romney: ‘Chrysler Is The One Automaker That Has Increased Employment’

Ohio Gov. Refutes Romney: ‘Chrysler Is The One Automaker That Has Increased Employment’: Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) is the latest Republican to refute one of Mitt Romney’s biggest talking points in the state, as he told CBS Monday morning that Chrysler is adding jobs in Ohio, not shipping them to China as Romney has claimed both on the campaign trail and in radio and television ads: ANCHOR: [...]/p

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Did Mitt Romney Profit From Corruption, Fraud and Racketeering at Bain Capital? | Alternet

Did Mitt Romney Profit From Corruption, Fraud and Racketeering at Bain Capital? | Alternet
"Romney was head of Bain Capital while his team of conspirators committed fraud on the court, and when they were reported to the Department of Justice  he “retroactively retired” to conceal his involvement and avoid a Department of Justice investigation. George W. Bush’s appointment of a lawyer from Bain Capital’s secret law firm as U.S. Attorney guaranteed Romney would not be investigated, but retroactive retiring does not change public docket records or FEC and SEC filings showing he profited from corruption, fraud, and racketeering (RICO) as head of Bain Capital, and as he was a corrupt vulture capitalist, he will be a corrupt president."

Tea Party Group And Republican Campaign Coordinating To Supply Illinois With ‘Nonpartisan’ Poll Watchers

Tea Party Group And Republican Campaign Coordinating To Supply Illinois With ‘Nonpartisan’ Poll Watchers: On Tuesday, Tea Party group True the Vote will dispatch poll watchers throughout the country to challenge voters’ right to vote. True the Vote often insists it is a nonpartisan organization simply concerned with election integrity. It has even applied for non-profit status, which would exempt them from taxes. But a new email to True [...]/p

Friday, November 2, 2012

Solid employment growth in October but still a lot of ground to make up | Economic Policy Institute

Solid employment growth in October but still a lot of ground to make up | Economic Policy Institute
"The October Employment Situation report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows solid employment growth from both the payroll and household survey."

Another good Obama polling day

Another good Obama polling day
"Update: And the polls keep coming in, and not a one of them has Romney in the lead. A Denver Post/SUSA poll in Colorado has Obama up 47-45."

Watch Mitt Romney Explain How Jesus Will Reign for 1,000 Years When He Returns, Jerusalem... and Missouri | Alternet

Watch Mitt Romney Explain How Jesus Will Reign for 1,000 Years When He Returns, Jerusalem... and Missouri | Alternet
"Video emerges of Romney citing the thinking of a wildly fringe conspiracy theorist and his belief in the strange intricacies of the Mormon faith."

Ohio Romney Rally - Interviews with Supporters

recent video includes interviews with Romney supporters in Ohio, and it doesn’t disappoint. If you needed any other incentive to vote, please watch this video and remember, these people WILL be voting.

In First 45 Months In Office, Obama Created 750,000 Private Sector Jobs, Bush Lost More Than One Million

In First 45 Months In Office, Obama Created 750,000 Private Sector Jobs, Bush Lost More Than One Million: Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the economy added 171,000 jobs last month, beating analysts’ expectations. The private sector added 184,000 jobs (offset by some public sector losses), making this the 32nd consecutive month that the private sector has grown. Overall, even accounting for the horrific month for jobs that was [...]/p

Thursday, November 1, 2012

How Fox News Created a New Culture of Idiots | Alternet

How Fox News Created a New Culture of Idiots | Alternet
"Cable news has created an entirely new breed of blowhards -- and the style has infected banking and even the arts."

Mitt Hits the Panic Button | Alternet

Mitt Hits the Panic Button | Alternet
"Of course, the state polls say something else, and state polls are what really count.  Obama is ahead , if marginally, in almost every swing state. This means that Obama can afford to lose in a few states he’s currently winning, while Romney has to win every single state he’s currently winning plus steal a bunch of states from Obama, especially Ohio, where he’s never fared well. Some recent polls even show Obama leading Virginia and Florida, both of which Romney needs. These numbers have made Nate Silver confident enough to  bet $1,000 that Obama wins (his model gives Obama a 79 percent chance of victory at the moment)."

NYC Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Cites Sandy and Climate Change as Deciding Factors | Alternet

NYC Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Cites Sandy and Climate Change as Deciding Factors | Alternet   "today brought more kind words for Obama from an unexpected source -- New York City's mayor Michael Bloomberg."

PERRspectives: Elderly Will Be Hit Hard by Romney's Medicare, Medicaid Plans

PERRspectives: Elderly Will Be Hit Hard by Romney's Medicare, Medicaid Plans
"As the Congressional Budget Office and a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study confirmed, the Romney-Ryan plan to "voucherize and privatize" Medicare will invariably lead to much higher health care costs for future recipients. But today's elderly voters will feel a double sting under President Romney as well. After all, his pledge to "kill Obamacare dead" will erase hard-won drug benefits and health services those over 65 have gained under the Affordable Care Act. And as it turns out, Romney's proposal to slash Medicaid spending by more than a third over the next decade and give what remains as block grants to the states could jeopardize nursing home care for millions of American seniors."

Following Mourdock Controversy, Bachmann Dodges Questions On Abortion

Following Mourdock Controversy, Bachmann Dodges Questions On Abortion: Tea Party standard-bearer Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) today refused to state her position on legal abortion access for rape victims, repeatedly dodging questions from the debate moderator during a radio debate with challenger Jim Graves. Bachmann has been a longtime supporter of the so-called “Personhood Amendment,” a measure that would outlaw all abortions, some types [...]/p

Desperate GOP Showers Random People With Anti-Obama Text Messages

Desperate GOP Showers Random People With Anti-Obama Text Messages
"Meanwhile, the Romney campaign adamantly denies any involvement. If their track record with the truth is any indication, you can count on them being in up to their necks.
As for me, I want to know how Gabriel Joseph, III and ccAdvertising got the cell phone number of a 13-year old girl. That's just wrong."

Battleground snapshot: Romney losing big ground

Battleground snapshot: Romney losing big ground
"Obama isn't just winning, the trendlines are moving in his direction. Rather than tighten the final week, the opposite is happening."

GM, Chrysler Have Best October In Five Years

GM, Chrysler Have Best October In Five Years: Chrysler and General Motors, the American automakers that were rescued by the federal government in 2009, each had their best October in five years last month, according to monthly sales reports. Chrysler sales rose 10 percent, with its four major brands — Dodge, Ram, Chrysler, and Fiat — all posting gains over the same month [...]/p

Leaked Florida GOP Memo:

Leaked Florida GOP Memo: "The memo cites a Democratic lead in early voting "60-22 in PBC, similar to 08. If you add returned Absentee ballots to EV by party, Dems like by 30k in PBC". It also describes the Democratic turnout machine as "cleaning our clock", and warns about the effect on down-ticket races."

Romney camp claims they're ahead in the polls

This is a bluff. Romney is carefully attempting to project an atmosphere of momentum, in the hopes of winning positive media coverage and, thus, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Mitt Romney's Terrible Horrible Very Awful Polling Day

Mitt Romney's Terrible Horrible Very Awful Polling Day
"Meanwhile, in the secret back rooms of the Romney campaign, they're busy telling everyone not to worry, they'll win it in a landslide. They're so confident of this they're going to pour a whole lot of ad money into Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Michigan, states with such a solid Obama lead they've been conceded for weeks."

How Mitt Romney Would Screw the Red States That Support Him | Alternet

How Mitt Romney Would Screw the Red States That Support Him | Alternet
"Most voters are probably unaware of just how radical the Romney-Ryan vision for our future really is."