Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rick Perry Signs A Mini-Ryan Health Bill

Rick Perry Signs A Mini-Ryan Health Bill: "pGov. Rick Perry (R-TX) is transforming Texas into a Paul Ryanian Mecca, having just signed legislation that seeks to privatize Medicare and compels the state to formally ask for a Medicaid block grant. The measure also “defunds abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood” and “implements co-payments for non-emergency visits to hospital emergency rooms.”/p"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ALEC exposed, and it ain't pretty | Crooks and Liars

ALEC exposed, and it ain't pretty | Crooks and Liars

Despite Perry’s Tough Budget Talk, Texas’ Debt Growing Faster Than The Nation’s

Despite Perry’s Tough Budget Talk, Texas’ Debt Growing Faster Than The Nation’s: "pFor all his talk of fiscal conservationism on the national stage, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) hasn’t been so parsimonious at home, where his state is racking up debt at a faster rate than the national government and in greater amounts than most other states. Perry regularly attacks President Obama for engaging in “too much [...]/p"

Monday, July 11, 2011

Pro Corporate, Pro-Voucher Tea Party Group Admits It Wants To ‘Shut Down Public Schools And Have Private Schools Only’

Pro-Voucher Tea Party Group Admits It Wants To ‘Shut Down Public Schools And Have Private Schools Only’: "pAs ThinkProgress has documented, a tightly-knit group of right-wing Political Action Committees (PACs) and corporate foundations have unleashed an assault on public education, pushing school voucher schemes nationwide that would funnell taxpayer dollars away from public schools and toward private schools instead. In doing so, many of these voucher advocates claim they simply want to [...]/p"

Friday, July 8, 2011

Michele Bachmann Adds The First Amendment To The Long List Of Constitutional Provisions She Refuses To Obey

Michele Bachmann Adds The First Amendment To The Long List Of Constitutional Provisions She Refuses To Obey: "pLast night, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) became the first presidential candidate to sign a maximalist socially conservative pledge that, among other things, calls for “all forms of pornography” to be banned. In other words, yesterday marks the day when Bachmann added the First Amendment to the long list of constitutional provisions she despises. The right [...]/p"

Bachmann: ‘I Hope’ Higher Unemployment Will Help My Campaign

Bachmann: ‘I Hope’ Higher Unemployment Will Help My Campaign: "pAppearing on CNBC this morning, presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was asked about this morning’s dismal jobs report and whether higher unemployment rates might help her chances of winning in 2012. “Does it strike you that as the unemployment rate goes up, your chances of winning office also go up?” host Carl Quintanilla asked. [...]/p"

Rep. Bachmann's Far-Right Family Pledge Argues Black Kids Were Better Off In 1860

Rep. Bachmann's Far-Right Family Pledge Argues Black Kids Were Better Off In 1860

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dear Governor

Terrific message to all those corrupt, destructive, Tea Party governors.

Bachmann’s Parable For The Poor: Have Faith In God And You Won’t Need Welfare

Bachmann’s Parable For The Poor: Have Faith In God And You Won’t Need Welfare: "pThinkProgress filed this report from a town hall in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Bachmannia descended upon South Carolina last week as GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann stomped for votes at events across the state. Wearing a yellow dress to honor the yellow Tea Party flag, Bachmann roused a rally of supporters in Greenville on Wednesday [...]/p"

Michelle Bachmann's Radical Religious Beliefs

The American version of the Taliban.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tea Party GOP Represenative Says Gutting Wall Street Reform Is ‘Compassionate’

Tea Party GOP Represenative Says Gutting Wall Street Reform Is ‘Compassionate’: "pCongressional Republicans have been waging a campaign to undermine the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, with House Republicans cutting the budgets of the regulators charged with implementing the law and Senate Republicans obstructing nominees for key regulatory positions. Even though the country is still struggling to recover from the Great Recession — caused in no small [...]/p"

Kasich’s ‘New Way’ Tramples Over Ohioans To Cut Funds For Kids, Drill In Parks, Allow Guns In Bars

Kasich’s ‘New Way’ Tramples Over Ohioans To Cut Funds For Kids, Drill In Parks, Allow Guns In Bars: "pOhio Gov. John Kasich (R) campaigned on the promise of “a new way and a new day” for all Ohioans. Within 177 of those “new days,” Kasich has demolished worker’s rights, slashed children’s health, kneecapped the middle class, insulted African-Americans, and even eliminated jobs he promised to create — all while expanding tax breaks for [...]/p"

The big right-wing lies: We're going broke, and spending is out of control | Crooks and Liars

The big right-wing lies: We're going broke, and spending is out of control | Crooks and Liars

After Backing Tax Breaks For Big Oil, Sen. Johnson Tells Poor Kids To Tighten Belts

After Backing Tax Breaks For Big Oil, Sen. Johnson Tells Poor Kids To Tighten Belts
Tea Party Values